
Posted by rachellyn , Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:22 AM

So. Two days ago I graduated from high school.. ya know, not a huge deal.. it's not like i'm about to leave the comfort of my home and family for the first time in my life, right? psh.. it's nothing..

HA! that was sarcasm.
The truth is, i AM about to leave the comfort of my home and family, and i AM about to embark on a two month excursion to Alaska! Most days i look in the mirror and say, "What the hell am I doing?" But, most days, i also look in the mirror and try to envision an adventurer, someone awesome and brave, Like my sister annie!!!
The thought of working all summer at Kodiak Baptist Mission has been on my mind for a very long time. I was encouraged to send in an application before i had even committed, and so i did! My sister worked there for a summer in 2008, so i had a reference to answer all my questions. lots and and lots and lots of thinking followed...
I have been through some difficult and just plain weird things emotionally this year, and it seemed like every time i was in a low spot on the roller coaster, i was super gung ho about going. Was it just to escape? probably.. it couldn't be about that.
I realized that i needed this for myself. and for Jesus. I don't know who i am? It's so easy to go about living my easy life in Nebraska.. going to college with a bunch of people i already know.. never having to leave my comfort box.
This needed to happen. for Me and for Jesus.
Now i'm so excited. and SO terrified. but more excited, to completely open myself up to the world and God. I'm ready to not have an ounce of comfort in my life, because that when you can truly find yourself. I know i know.. cheese fest! But it's so true! cliches are cliche for a reason.
So. Hello God. i'm no longer in high school. I'm vulnerable, scared and confused, but i'm darn well ready to let you shape me in to the Rachel i'm supposed to be!
let adventure number ONE in my official post-high-school life BEGIN!
(que gong bang)